Telegram promotes extremism, new study reveals
字号+ Author:Smart News Source:Health 2025-01-15 13:47:20 I want to comment(0)
Telegram has come under scrutiny for its role in promoting extremist content, according to a recent study from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) shared exclusively with the . The report, Telegram’s Toxic Recommendations, revealed that Telegram’s "similar channels" feature, which was introduced last year, directs users to extremist material—even those simply browsing mundane topics like technology or entertainment. The study, which analysed 28,000 channels on the platform, found that the algorithm consistently pushed users toward radical ideologies. For example, when SPLC researcher Megan Squire searched for “Donald Trump,” the algorithm immediately recommended multiple channels promoting the QAnon conspiracy, which claims without evidence that Trump is secretly battling an elite ring of Satan-worshipping paedophiles. Similarly, a search for “UK riots” led to far-right extremist content, including memes about Adolf Hitler and violent extremist channels. Squire emphasised the danger of this algorithmic recommendation system, saying that it does not just suggest extremist content—it actively helps radicalize users by leading them from one form of extremism to another. She pointed out that Telegram has become a platform where real-world events are organized, as evidenced by the spread of false claims and calls for protest after the Southport knife attack in August. Telegram claims to take harmful content seriously, removing millions of pieces of illegal material every day, and asserts that it does not “inject or promote content” but instead offers suggestions based on user interests. However, critics argue that Telegram is not doing enough to prevent the spread of extremism. Elies Campo, a former insider at Telegram, revealed that founder Pavel Durov had shown little interest in cracking down on extremist content, dismissing the need for stronger moderation. Meanwhile, Professor David Maimon from Georgia State University, who has studied illegal content on the platform, confirmed that Telegram has become a key space for illegal activities, including arms trafficking. Telegram’s failure to address these concerns has led to growing calls for greater accountability and regulation of the platform.
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